Tech Modified in cultural practice

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This is article shows the cultural change in using toilets today. The statistics on how much water is wasted due to things like leaks and flushing is astonishing. Older toilets are being replaced by newer technology due to people becoming more environmentally aware. These new toilets cut down the amount of water and are much less likely to leak. The big trade off is the fact that you can get a “greener” toilet, however, you will be putting your current toilets in the landfill where they will sit. Toilets are not good for the environment due to the fact that they can’t decompose due to being made of porcelain. This article really focuses in how at first when toilets were widely used people didn’t think much of the true cost of all the water they were using. The new greener toilets are much more refined and show the overall culture’s shift from major consumers, to this more eco friendly mind set after realizing how much water is wasted every year.

Toilet Urban Legends and Materials

Most of the pop culture that surrounds toilets, is what most would think. Toilets are prominent in movies for using the bathroom. A movie that stands out as one with an important toilet scene is Bridesmaids, when they all eat bad meat and are using the toilet extensively. Along with that, an iconic scene in Jurassic Park is the moment when someone is using the outhouse, in which a T-rex destroys and the only thing left is the man sitting on the toilet. He then gets eaten, but it still an iconic moment that the T-rex is able to knock down everything except the toilet. The major legend that I found when I was looking it up was the legend of the explosive toilet. This legend has a woman throwing a flammable substance into the toilet because that’s the only way she can think to dispose of it. And her unsuspecting husband is in the bathroom, lights a cigarette and the toilet explodes. He happened to be sitting on the toilet at this point and his trousers had been blown away and he suffered from burns on his buttocks. There are variations to this legend but the variations only highlight the different flammable substances that were put into the toilet.


The first modern flushing toilet was created in 1596 by John Harington and in 1778. In 1852 George Jennings patented the flush-out toilet.  Toilets today are made of vitreous china, which is a mix of several kinds of clay. Toilet seats are generally made from a type of thermoplastic called polystyrene. According to the National Association of Home Builders, toilets have an unlimited lifespan because the toilet wont decompose, but the parts can be fixed. Although, if you had a toilet for a very long time, it would be outdated. Modern toilets today do not decompose. Toilets make a lot of waste in the world and they also use a lot of water, but those are the biggest environmental impacts.



Topic: Toilet

I decided I will right my paper on the toilet. Overall, it seemed like one of the most universal things I could possibly do. Condoms are only used by some people, and not every single member in the house cooks with an oven. Although the toilet isn’t used universally by all, it is more commonly used and the most sanitary way to get rid of human waste. I found that this invention has had the greatest impact on society and the norms that surround it. People prefer for toilets to be clean and fresh, even though only decades ago, or even today, that many people still use “out houses” or a “squat toilet” into the ground. I went on a underground tour of Seattle and we learned about the early toilets used. We also learned about Thomas Crapper and it has stuck with me ever since. The flushing toilet was invented by John Harington in 1596. The toilet is definitely an invention that many people today take advantage of, as well as myself. There are nearly more than 50 disease that can be spread through human feces. The most well known and prevalent diseases, dysentery, cholera, and typhoid are all greatly reduced because of the toilet. Although there is a downside to toilets, the advantage of the toilet overcomes the bad parts. Toilets use about 3.5-7 galloons of water for every flush. As many know, water is scarce and in many countries, this water in unavailable to many, which is why flushing toilets are not available for everyone to use. Many people who use toilets often forget what a luxury it is to have and how different life may be if toilets were not readily available. I plan to pursue the functionality of the toilet and the technology behind how it works. Along with that, I plan to research the benefits and the issues that arise from having toilets. I want to research how these toilets connect and how it works with having a  sewage system. How has the invention of toilets changed the sewage systems and to get rid of waste? Why do some homes lack a flushing toilet, and what alternatives are available to get rid of waste? How does the flushing toilet work and what parts are needed for it to operate correctly? Where does the waste go after it goes into the sewage system?


Jordan Mott invented the first coal oven in 1833, and British inventor James Sharp patented the first gas oven in 1826. The gas oven changed the way that families cooked tremendously. In ancient times, ancient Egyptians and others used some sort of stone or brick oven in order to cook food or bread. This process was a lot more rigorous and took a lot more time in order to cook the food properly and thoroughly. Through history, there were many different techniques that different areas tried to use in order to cook food more efficiently, which brings us to the gas oven today, that allows the fire of the oven to stay enclosed while inside of a home. What you cook and eat hugely matters. The gas oven opened possibilities to cook many more types of food, which created an ability to eat healthier foods. This technology touches on health and the way and process of how modern day humans eat, and the nutrition that they get from it. The research that can be conducted is how the fas oven works and how all the different types of ovens led to the invented of the gas oven.


Toilets came about and helped keep human waste out of the streets and homes of people in the city. The toilet was perfected when sewers carried the waste to the larger system or the septic tank. Subjects that intersect with toilets are disease control, sanitization, and waste management. Disease related to toilets because, before they were as functional as todays models, people would do their business and then throw it out the window into the alley. In earlier times, this led to many different diseases being spread through cities and towns by rodents. Toilets helped sanitize cities because they made it much easier to dispose of human waste without creating a bigger mess in the city. Waste management plays into the sanitization because, with the sewers, waste was much more easily moved. Waste management researches the toilet due to it’s extremely convenient system. Disease control also thinks about the toilet. There are many new diseases that originate from human waste. I would like to research the design and how the toilet functions. I have seen the inside of the toilet but don’t know the whole functionality of everything in it.


Condoms are used often in people’s everyday lives. They have become a decently inexpensive birth control method for men to use. The female condom does exist but is not as popular as the regular condom. Condoms are a part of many scientific subjects. They help prevent HIV and other STDs which is a huge part of sexual reproduction safety known as “safe sex.” Condoms have helped many people protect themselves from some of these life threatening diseases. Condoms also help reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies which ties into population control. After condoms and other simple birth control methods were introduced, the amount by which population was growing flattened out and stabilized rather than the constant increase. Fields of research that think about condoms are disease control as well as pregnancies and population control. All of these are the condoms main functions that it was made for. Some research areas I would like to learn more about are how the first condoms came about and were created. Sort of the evolution from the first type to the mass produced latex one we see today.